Twenty years ago, Slovenian-Americans rallied together to create United Americans for Slovenia (UAS) to appeal to President George Bush and government officials to recognize Slovenia as an independent, democratic nation. For the first time since World War II, Slovenians across the United States joined to assist the homeland.
For the next nine months, leaders of Slovenian-American organizations, representing 659 lodges, societies, parishes and cultural centers across the country, met regularly as the United Americans for Slovenia to plan communications strategies and events to call attention to Slovenia's independence.
The UAS printed petitions and 50,000 postcards addressed to President Bush to request his recognition of Slovenia. Two of the most effective UAS strategies were phone-ins. On October 7, 1991, and February 12, 1992, thousands called the White House to demand recognition of Slovenia. The UAS also placed an open letter to President Bush in the Washington Post.
Government leaders, such as Ohio Senator John Glenn and Ohio Congressman Dennis Eckart, met with the UAS to discuss U. S. recognition. Visiting officials from the new government of Slovenia, including Ernest Petrič, Dimitrij Rupel, Janez Dular and Zoran Thaler acknowledged the efforts of the UAS and thanked the representatives of the group's member organizations.
On April 7, 1992, President Bush recognized Slovenia as an independent nation. The United Americans for Slovenia called a press conference to raise the flags of the United States and Slovenia.
The UAS began a new campaign for U. S. acceptance of Slovenia as a member-nation of NATO. Thousands of postcards were sent to President Bill Clinton and a call-in marathon tied up White House phone lines. UAS representatives were invited to the White House to discuss the U. S. stand on Slovenia in NATO.
With Slovenia secure in its independence and international recognition, the United Americans for Slovenia declared their mission accomplished in 2006.